WinUAE 4.4.0

WinUAE 4.4.0 (01.07.2020) released.

New features/improvements:

  • 68000 address and bus error (bus errors are not used in Amiga) stack frames are now 100% accurate, including all undefined behavior like partially updated flags or registers. Last missing part that wasn’t fully accurate previously.
  • 68010 emulation is now cycle-accurate. Including loop mode.
  • 68030 MMU emulation simplified and optimized.
  • CPU tester detected rare CPU/FPU bugs fixed.
  • Multiple CPU tester detected undocumented CPU and FPU (all models) behavior emulated, mainly edge cases that almost never happen normally. More information in detailed changelogs.
  • Debugger assembler and disassembler updates and fixes.
  • 1x-8x CPU multipliers are now also supported in prefetch (more compatible) CPU mode.
  • Implemented Paula serial port emulation receive break condition detection support.
  • “diskchange rdh0:” can be now used to eject drag&drop mounted directory/file/archive harddrive.
  • On screen led floppy leds have brighter border if inserted disk is write protected.
  • If 2 light pens/guns enabled and if gun 2 moves, enable only gun 2 crosshair. Previously gun 1 move enabled both crosshairs.
  • “Default” filter mode now enables aspect ratio correction and scales to window/screen size only when display size is too large or too small.
  • Ignore ncap/winpcap dll version because recent ncap versions have smaller version number than old winpcap versions.
  • GUI Reset button now copies current full GUI config to active config, including options that normally can’t be changed on the fly.
  • FPU default is back to 64-bit. Very few programs require 80-bit accuracy, it wasn’t worth the speed loss.
  • Black borders are not anymore enabled in autoscale center mode.
  • Few custom chipset and CIA emulation updates.
  • Added easy to use and transparent printf()-like debug logging method for developers.

Bugs fixed:

  • If disk read DMA was started without any selected drive(s), it was always emulated in turbo mode.
  • Screen capture to clipboard created blank image if 256 color or less RTG mode and capture before filtering was set.
  • When ejecting directory filesystem that points to plain file or archive, not all host file handles were closed properly.
  • Switching GUI panels left stale entry in internal array, possibly causing random crash after switching panels many times.
  • Config file (*.uae) icon is now correct again.

4.3.0 bugs fixed:

  • Some RTG to RTG mode resolution switches didn’t resize windowed mode correctly.
  • CD32 pad red button didn’t always work as a normal fire button, depending on how it was configured.
  • CD32 ROM delay loop patch was skipped. Broke CD32 CD if CPU speed was too fast.

New emulated hardware:

  • Hardital Dotto (clone of ICD AdIDE)

WinUAE 4.3.0

WinUAE 4.3.0 (19.12.2019) released.

New features/improvements:

  • GUI high DPI support rewritten.
  • Lagless vsync stability improvements.
  • Added Trojan light gun preset to Game ports panel.
  • On the fly chipset model switching compatibility improved.
  • SPTI CD/DVD access mode now internally emulates all CD audio commands. All other commands are forwarded to the drive like previously.
  • PCMCIA hot swap support improved. (PCMCIA SRAM and IDE needs to be set again if previously configured)
  • My CPU tester detected edge cases, bugs and undocumented CPU behavior updates implemented. (More details in separate CPU tester note later)
  • More compatible partition HDF default geometry calculation if size is 1000M or larger.
  • CD32 pad does not anymore disable joystick second button if both CD32 and 2-button joystick is active simultaneously.
  • Host directory/archive drag and drop to WinUAE window now supports mounting multiple items simultaneously.
  • Debugger disassembler fixes and few very rarely used instructions dissemble now correctly.

Bugs fixed:

  • Disk index pulses were not being generated when disk was being written (Cadaver v0.1 save disk writing)
  • CDTV audio CD playing state restore fixed.
  • A2024 monitor didn’t show full viewable area.
  • 24-bit uaegfx RTG mode had random wrong color pixels in some situations.
  • nrg CD images didn’t load correctly in relative path mode.
  • Graphics glitch in some programs that also depended on display scaling/size (for example Alien Breed 3D)
  • Disk swapper path modifications did nothing while emulation was running.
  • Restoring CD32 or CDTV statefile with CD audio playing: start playing immediately, do not include normal CD audio start delays.
  • Fixed possible crash when PPC emulation stopped emulated sound card audio.
  • Quite special kind of CD32 pad button read code was not emulated correctly.

Other changes:

  • Added separate 68000-68060 CPU tester/validator project based on UAE CPU core generator.
  • Removed all 68020 cycle-exact CPU mode internal idle cycles. It mainly slowed down the CPU too much and didn’t match real world well enough.

New emulated hardware:

  • Archos Overdrive HD (PCMCIA IDE adapter)
  • ICD Trifecta (A500 IDE/SCSI controller)
  • M-Tec Mastercard (SCSI expansion for M-Tec T1230 A1200 accelerator)
  • Scala MM dongles

WinUAE 4.2.1

WinUAE 4.2.1 (16.05.2019) released.

4.2.0 bugs fixed:

  • Picasso IV and uaegfx YUV (video) overlay fixed. Didn’t affect RGB overlays.
  • Reset/restart didn’t reset overlay state.
  • Graphics corruption in some AGA programs (for example Alien Breed 3D).

Old bug fixed:

  • PPC emulation + Picasso IV: some programs had incorrect colors (For example Shogo MAD).
  • A2386SX bridgeboard unreliable/hanging floppy access fixed.
  • Changing accelerator board options (jumpers etc) on the fly didn’t do anything.
  • Fixed hang when attempting to play physical CD32 CD with video tracks.
  • Fixed crash when mounting UAE controller HDF with more than 30 partitions.

WinUAE 4.2.0

WinUAE 4.2.0 (08.04.2019) released.

New features:

  • uaegfx and Picasso IV Overlay/PIP support.
  • All GUI listviews support column order and column width customization.
  • Custom ROM selection (4 slots) added.
  • Direct3D 9/11 shader embedded config entry support.
  • 68030 MMU instruction disassembler support and other disassembler fixes.
  • 68030 MMU emulation will now also create short type bus error stack frames when possible, matching real 68030 behavior.
  • Windowed mode keeps aspect ratio if CTRL is pressed while resizing.
  • Added debugger invalid access logger (memwatch l).
  • Reject Alt+<some key> Windows system menu key shortcuts. Invalid short cut combinations can generate annoying Windows alert sounds.
  • KS ROM selection supports loading and relocation of hunk and m68k elf executables.

Bug fixes:

  • Direct3D 11  shader support fixes.
  • CDTV CD drive read/play startup delays adjusted. Fixes Town without no name speech audio track stopping too early.
  • Accelerator board CPU fallback (to mainboard CPU mode) works again.
  • Many video port adapters (which includes grayscale mode and genlock) didn’t support all doubling modes.
  • Minor custom chipset fixes (Small graphics corruption in certain special situations)
  • Moving mouse outside and back to WinUAE window in Magic mouse activated WinUAE window even if some other window was already active.
  • AVI recording with non-standard refresh rate was reset to default if GUI was entered and exited during recording.
  • uae-configuration returned return code 10 even when matching config entry was found.
  • “Add PC drives at startup” enabled and same drive’s root directory also mounted manually: drive was mounted twice. (Introduced in 4.1.0)
  • Genlock transparency didn’t always activate even when genlock emulation was enabled.

New emulated hardware:

  • Pacific Peripherals Overdrive
  • IVS Trumpcard
  • IVS Trumpcard 500AT
  • ICD Trifecta
  • BSC Tandem
  • ACT Prelude and Prelude 1200
  • Harms Professional 3000